IMMIGRATION:    should we welcome it or contain it?

should we welcome it?

or contain it ?

This is a frequent and intriguing question, and many do not know how to answer. However, governments and many politicians often provide an implicit reply by preferring policies aimed at containing immigration, especially if coming from developing countries.

To respond to these queries and many other questions, we propose an extended study of the migration problems, founded on a socio-political analysis of migration, especially the irregular migration, so as to better identify its causes, manifestations and consequences, as a starting point to re-examine the current migration policies in the western world. Politicians and the public opinion often do not get the real nature of migration. We must go beyond the trade-off between “refugees and economic migrants”. It is necessary to debunk prejudices and disinformation. We need a completely independent and extensive study if we want to identify alternative solutions to the current migration policies. This is the aim of this study.

This research has been undertaken by Massimo D’Angelo between 2017 and 2021, originating a trilogy, published in Italian, in three volumes in 2022. This website offers a summary also for the English-speaking audience. The readers interested in the details of the analysis are invited to consult the original text of this study in Italian. 

Why this website?

The key aim of this website is to introduce a study entitled “Immigration: should we welcome it or contain it?” undertaken by Massimo D’Angelo and published in 2022. This website is directly managed by Massimo D’Angelo, who takes care of its content.

This website is not the place to debate the daily choices of migratory policy, nor it intends to open a discussion on the current events that the media and social networks address when reporting on the tragedies of the migration flows and the measures decided by public authorities.  Other blogs are available and offer that type of platform.

This website is rather meant to provide an analytical method to examine current migration problems with a systemic approach, suggesting a few conceptual parameters to those who want to tackle these themes in  a critical manner and with competence. This method and the parameters herein suggested  emerge from the reflection undertaken in the study “Immigration: should we welcome it or contain it?”. 

This analytical approach is based on the conclusions reached in this study, which has singled out a few key pillars that may constitute the basis for a new management of migration policies. These pillars have been identified in the search of a greater protection of human rights for all immigrants, the improvement of safety of all migrants during their journey and after their arrival, the need to bypass the trade-off between “refugees” and “economic migrants” (so far dominating), a greater attention to the deep causes of emigration, especially from fragile countries, a reevaluation of the potential benefits of migration, and the adoption of a  programmatic approach to welcome immigrants and integrate them in the host country.

Even though this is not a blog for a continuous debate on immigration issues, this website does not exclude an exchange with the readers who are interested in sending their comments and intend to interact with the author of this study, as suggested in the specific section. 

Let’s start with a few key queries

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